Mental Health in the Workplace Level 2 (VTQ)

47 videos, 2 hours and 13 minutes

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Signposting examples

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We are now going to offer you some examples of signposting organizations. The following sites may be useful sources of support and links are available from the student resources section. There are a whole host of other places available, so we advise doing some research as to organizations in your area that may be of use. No Panic are a charity offering support for those experiencing panic attacks and OCD. They also offer a course to help people overcome their issues, and they also offer telephone helpline. They can be found at OCD Action gives support for people with OCD, which includes information on treatment and online resources. Take a look at OCD UK are a charity run by people with OCD for people with OCD which includes facts, news and treatments. Their website is

Other places to signpost to include the Samaritans who provide confidential, non-judgmental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those who could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter, or in most cases, talk to someone face-to-face if you wish. Visit them at Rethink Mental Illness advice line provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving advice to healthcare professionals, employers and staff. Rethink Mental Illness also runs services and groups across England and Northern Ireland. At, you will find a wealth of information.

Mates in Mind is a charitable program to improve promote positive mental health for those working in the construction industry. They provide programs that promote awareness and the understanding of mental health tailored particularly to the needs of that industry. Their website is SANEline is a national mental health helpline providing information to support people with mental health problems and those who support them. More information can be found at Combat Stress is a military charity specializing in helping ex-service men and women deal with those issues, and their website is

Rape Crisis is a UK charity providing a range of services for women and girls who have experienced abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. Their website is And finally, Victim Support an organization providing support and information to victims or witnesses of crime. You can obtain a great deal of information by visiting

We provide a comprehensive list of organizations who offer advice and guidance for a range of mental health issues, and this is available to download from the resources section of this course.