Mental Health in the Workplace Level 3 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 49 minutes

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Managing stress

Video 16 of 62
2 min 31 sec
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We have looked at signs and symptoms of stress and there are particular ways to help and care and manage an individual who is experiencing this. Taking regular breaks, getting better organized and learning to relax helps you manage your own stress. You can also take a look at your priorities, focus on positive things and improve your lifestyle generally, through diet, exercise and by making sure you get enough sleep. Finding someone you can confide in about your feelings and maintaining a stress diary to help you spot what's triggering your stress can also help. Support from others can also help, whether it's from a stress counsellor, a colleague or a manager at work, from friends or family or from your own GP. In some organisations, a trade union representative may be able to support and guide you through the right direction. Outside of work, there is assistance from the advice bureau or local authorities may be able to help you deal with stress and help you to resolve any issues that are the root problem that is creating the stress.

To help recognise potential triggers in the workplace, we need to be aware when our colleagues are presenting different indicators when they are acting differently from their normal self. We generally know when a colleague or family member is physically ill by the signs and symptoms they are displaying. So this should be similar in recognising non-physical symptoms in a work colleague, that they are acting differently from their usual self. In today's society, the level of expectation in the workplace is far higher than it was perceived to be many years ago. The fact that the traditional nine to five regime has disappeared for many, that people are required to work on their phones and tablets from home in the evenings, to feel that they are on call 24 hours a day in some cases, has left little time for people to de-stress and relax. There is also an associated element of fear with regard to expressing emotions or admitting to feeling pressure in the workplace. There is a fear that feeling stressed and anxious could mean being overlooked for promotions, or not being given opportunities or being left out of team decisions. This is wrong and potentially leads to feelings of isolation or being ostracised, one in which self-esteem is diminished.