Mental Health in the Workplace Level 3 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 49 minutes

Course Content

Wellbeing and resilience

Video 10 of 62
1 min 43 sec
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Having good mental health is as important as having good physical health and many people will experience poor mental health at some time in their lives. Good mental health is a person who feels confident and happy. They feel good about themselves and they can cope with the normal stresses that we all face over the natural course of our daily lives. A person with good mental health will also feel optimistic about their ability to reach their full potential and goals. Examples of good mental well-being are positive thinking, happiness and contentment, which can be maximized by connecting with other people and developing support networks, being physically active, learning new skills to gain a sense of achievement, often giving to others maybe by volunteering in the community, which helps to improve one's mental outlook and develop a wider social network, which all help to ensure a healthy and active social life.

An individual's mental well-being also creates within the workplace positivity, which is recognisable by customers and those using the company's services. Resilience is about coping with and being able to adjust to the difficult situations or testing times that we all face at some point during our lives. Having resilience does not mean that stress or anxiety does not affect the person, it simply means that coping skills and self-management strategies are in place and that the individual may have support or a way of releasing their stress or anxiety.