Mental Health in the Workplace Level 3 (VTQ)

62 videos, 2 hours and 49 minutes

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Stress - professionals discussion

Video 17 of 62
2 min 31 sec
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Stress in the workplace obviously is becoming more and more commonplace. Can you tell us a little bit about the signs and indications that someone may be experiencing an unhealthy level of stress?

I think the stress in the workplace can be divided into two things, really. It can be stress caused by workplace conditions or it can be stress caused by another issue that is played out in the workplace because it's how you work and that's different. I think with workplace stress it can be something like moving location of your job, a new manager, feeling bullied, feeling pressure from colleagues to perform. Maybe you're underperforming, over-performing, anything different like that that can be recognized. With the other type of stress that may be acted out in the workplace, it's probably something that you have coped within your personal life, but it's spilt over into how you do your job. You may not be able to concentrate, you may be turning up late for work, you may be having sick leave, anything that's different, that's noticeable, that someone may give you the feedback, maybe at an appraisal, "It's been noticed that... " etcetera, etcetera. But it's important to look for these factors and offer help where it's needed.

What would you say if someone has this, how would you maybe pick up the fact that their stress is becoming unhealthy? Because some people do thrive on stress, don't they?

I think a little bit of stress is needed in life, you would be so relaxed you would fall apart otherwise. But I think that if you recognise that that stress is going over the top, then you would take action. You might notice that someone is just not as normal. They are not doing their job as normal, they are not interacting with their colleagues normally, they are not wanting to do the social bit maybe, withdrawing, maybe tearful, or you maybe make quite a commonplace remark and they react, well, just different to what they would normally. They would not laugh or think that was funny, they would just maybe turn away. It's noticing when someone is different and acting on what you have noticed and offering them the chance to talk about it.